Para vocês, que me costumam visitar e que partilham um pouco daquilo que são comigo.
Espero que deixem 2007 com um grande sorriso nos lábios e que entrem no novo ano cheios de força para atingir o que desejam ;)
on my way up north up on the Ventura
I pulled back the hood and I was talking to you
and I knew then it would be a Life Long thing
but I didn't know that we
We could break a silver lining
And I'm so sad like a good book
I can't put this Day Back
a sorta fairytale with you
things you said that day up on the 101
the girl had come undone I tried to downplay it
with a bet about us You said that-
You'd take it as long as I could
I could not erase it
And I'm so sad ...
and I ride along side
and I rode along side you then
and I rode along side
till you lost me there in the open road
And I rode along side till the honey spread
itself so thin for me to break your bread
for me to take your word I had to steal it
And I'm so sad ...
I could pick back up whenever I feel
Down New Mexico way
something about the open road
I knew that he was looking for some Indian Blood
and find a little in you find a little in me
we may be on this road
but we're just imposters in this country you know
So we go along and we said we'd fake it
feel better with Oliver Stone
till I almost smacked him - seemed right that night
and I don't know what takes hold
out there in the desert cold
these guys think they must
Try and just get over on us
And I'm so sad ...
and I was ridin' by ridin' along side
for a while till you lost me
and I was ridin' by ridin' along
till you lost me till you lost me
in the Rear View you lost me
I said Way up North I took my day
all in all was a pretty nice day
put the Hood right back where
You could taste heaven perfectly
Feel out the summer breeze
didn't know when we'd be back
And I - I don't - didn't think
we'd end up like this
Para ver se me aguento, tenho que ir fazendo uns intervalos... Tipo, trabalho 15 minutos e descanso 30... É justo! :p
Num desses intervalos fui espreitar a SicGaja, tava a dar a Oprah. O convidado era o John Mayer (que tem uma boca muito gira, por acaso :p) e dizia ele que tinha dado um monte de pasta por um carrão e que depois resolveu devolvê-lo... E porquê? Porque está a viver antes do acidente. Tradução? Quer o menino dizer que qualquer dia estampa-se contra um muro e lá se vai a vidinha, por isso tem que aproveitá-la agora, antes do acidente. Ora sem o maquinão nas mãos é menos provável que sofra um acidente violento, podendo o acidente nunca acontecer...
John Mayer
Como é que eu saio de casa tão bem com a vida e chego a casa assim?
Como é que uma coisa que ía ser assim tão boa se tornou nisto?...
Nem consigo encontrar palavras que descrevam a forma como me sinto... Se ao menos conseguisse escrever sobre isso sentia-me melhor... Mas nem consigo encontrar palavras...
Outra bofetada... Quantas conseguirei eu aguentar?
Era uma miúda quando ouvia Limp Bizkit e o mais giro é que não consigo deixar de gostar! (Continuo a ser uma miúda, mas um pouco mais crescida :p) Especialmente esta que ouvia bem alto na auto-estrada com os meus amigos (que belas figuras...) :p
Também gostava imenso daquela em que o sr. Fred Durst conta as vezes que diz fuck na música, a Hot Dog... Ain't it a shame that you can't say "Fuck" /Fuck's just a word/ And it's all fucked up... Acho que eram uns bons 40 e tal fucks ao todo! Saudades destas letras e destas músicas... Ai ai, muitas recordações! Recordações de uma vida sem preocupações e com responsabilidades reduzidas ao mínimo...
Mas têm que admitir que esta No Sex é qualquer coisa!
Throw It All Away
Try talking to you
While you do, what you do
I swap places with you
Just to see things through
Just sing me the tune
And you'll see
I'll keep it here for you
I'll wait for your cue
You wrote down all the words
Black and white
In a row
Just keepin' it slow
Yeah you know how it goes
No plans for a change, nothing strange
No not today no way
Now sing me the tune
Cash it in and throw it all away
Never needed any of it anyway
So you twist and you turn
Comfortable fool, you'll never learn
But you can take a stand
Forget all about the plans California rose
Side one track two
On a record of you
A needle stuck in a groove
That I don't wanna lose
Just play it again, as a friend
It's your favorite worn-in shoes
Now sing me the tune
Cash it in and throw it all away, yeah
Never needed any of it anyway
So you crash, and you burn
Sometimes the road will twist and turn
Some of this, less of that
Forget all about the map California road
Cash it in and throw it all away
Never needed any of it anyway
Cash it in and throw it all away, yeah
Never needed any of it anyway
Cash it in and throw it all away
Never needed any of it anyway
Cash it in and throw it all away
Zero 7
You're the prince to my ballerina
You feed other people's parking meters
You encourage the eating of ice cream
You would somersault in sand with me
You talk to loners, you ask how's your week
You give love to all and give love to me
You're obsessed with hiding the sticks and stones
When I fear the unknown
You feel like home, you feel like home
You put my feet back on the ground
Did you know you brought me around
You were sweet, and you were sound
You saved me
You're the warmth in my summer breeze
You're the ivory to my ebony keys
You would share your last jelly bean
You would somersault in sand with me
You put my feet back on the ground
Did you know you brought me around
You were sweet and you were sound
You saved me
You put my feet back on the ground
Did you know you brought me around
You were sweet and you were sound
See I had shrunk yet still you wore me around
And 'round and 'round
Why do I have to fly
over every town up and down the line?
I'll die in the clouds above
and you that I defend, I do not love.
I wake up, it's a bad dream,
No one on my side,
I was fighting
But I just feel too tired
to be fighting,
guess I'm not the fighting kind.
Where will I meet my fate?
Baby I'm a man, I was born to hate.
And when will I meet my end?
In a better time you could be my friend.
I wake up, it's a bad dream,
No one on my side,
I was fighting
But I just feel too tired
to be fighting,
guess I'm not the fighting kind.
Wouldn't mind it
if you were by my side
But you're long gone,
yeah you're long gone now.
Where do we go?
I don't even know,
My strange old face,
And I'm thinking about those days,
And I'm thinking about those days.
I wake up, it's a bad dream,
No one on my side,
I was fighting
But I just feel too tired
to be fighting,
guess I'm not the fighting kind.
Wouldn't mind it
if you were by my side
But you're long gone,
yeah you're long gone now.
Desculpem o vídeo fraquinho, mas foi o melhor som que arranjei.
Eu adoro esta música, adoro esta letra... Hoje vinha a ouvi-la no metro,a caminho de casa, enquanto observava as pessoas... Vejo tantas pessoas tristes à minha volta, tantas pessoas com aquela expressão de quem carrega o mundo às costas. A vida não devia ser assim...